12 anledningar att flytta till Forks

På fanpop, en sida för fans av alla möjliga saker så läste jag en väldigt sann lista av varför man ska flytta till Forks. Varenda punkt på listen stämmer ju dessutom. Jag har bara några år kvar i skolan sen flyr jag härifrån! MOT FORKS.

1. Obvious really...you can become Edwards personal stalker. 

2. They have the best parties...thanks to Alice :) 

3. So what if it rains? It just means there's more chance of spotting the Cullens. 

4. Jacob is only 15 minutes away. 

5. You didn't get your letter to Hogwarts -surely you deserve to be part of at least one fantasy secret. 

6. Silver volvo's will be easier to spot. Plus you can get a truck like Bella's. 

7. Two words...the meadow! 

8. You can get a job at the Newton's, I'm sure Edward will pop in from time to time. 

9. You can get lost in the woods. Don't worry, a werewolf will just find you. 

10. If you are as clumsy as Bella, no problem! Edward will be there to save you or you can just go and see Carlisle. 

11. You can give the evils to Lauren and Jessica, how dare they be mean to Bella. 

12. With any luck you'll become friends with the Cullens/the Blacks, and ta-da, your life isn't as boring anymore.

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