Böcker om Forks

Twilight Territory: A Fan's Guide to Forks & LaPush from the Forks Forum newspaper

"A Twilight fan's guide to the real locations in Forks and LaPush of the best-selling fictional book and film series from the Forks Forum newspaper."
The Forks Forum är West End's enda tidning med ungefär 5,000 exemplar varje torsdag.
Chris Cook är editor på Forks Forum och har skrivit denna bok - kan alltså det mesta.
Tidningen har vunnit priset för "Excellence in Journalism".  

Jag läste på amazon en kommentar om boken och klistrar in den här:
"I am soooooo glad to get this book. I only learned of it a few days ago. This book is a travel guide written by teh Editor of the Forks, WA newspaper. It is very informative and worth the money. It is also very up to date. There is even a section on the Alice of Forks and she only got there around May 2009. You get to see the map of where the Twilight Tours stop and it contains multiple photos. It's a must have for any Twilight fan, especially if you plan on traveling to Forks. I myself hope to make use of it by traveling there. I am addicted to Twilight and want to see the place for myself."

Boken kostar $9.89 = 72 kr på Amazon

Experience Twilight: The Ultimate Twilight Fan Travel Guide  

Den här boken skiljer sig från de andra. Den visar platser i Forks men även ställen där de filmade vissa scener i Twilight,  som i t.ex. Oregon. En fin beskrivning av boken:
"Twilight fans can walk in the footsteps of Edward and Bella. Filled with all the information you need to plan a fabulous Twilight themed day or full blown vacation. While traveling you'll find the maps and directions helpful. Once you get to each location you can reference the Guide for information about where scenes were filmed, where stars and crew spent their off time and other insider tips. Includes: Twilight film and book locations; pictures, maps and directions; hours of operation, if reservations are needed and entrance fees; scenes filmed or book inspirations; insider's notes from locals who have been there. Also includes special souvenir stamp destinations where you can stop in to get your guide book stamped."

Läste också bland andra kommentarer att flera var lite missnöjda. De tyckte att den var lite kort, flera sidor var tomma - kanske för att anteckna själv. Något som också var en problem är att vissa ställen bara har text i boken, ingen bild på hur det ser ut. Det kan ju bli lite svårt om det är en scen från filmen men jag tror nog att man känner igen den.

Boken kostar $14.95 = 109 kr på Amazon. Den är skriven av Katherine Kidd.

Twilight Tours: An Illustrated Guide to the Real Forks

"Twilight Tours is a photographic guide to this mystical place. Included are 90 photos composed by noted photographer George Beahm, who also contributes the accompanying text. The pictures range from moody scenic shots of the rain forest and nearby tribal lands described in the four novels to photographs of the actual high school, police station, saltwater beach, and a certain vintage red pickup truck."

Den här boken är det enda av de 3 böckerna som är lite mer fotografibok av George Beahm (Fotograf), Mike Gurling (Fotograf) och Tim Kirk (Tecknare). De visar ställen i Forks med vackra bilder.
Boken kostar 9.56 $= 70 kr på Amazon.

Hittade en söt kommentar om boken:
"Every fan of the Twilight books should have this illustrated guide. It tells and shows you what you don't know about the town of Forks, WA. The writing is clear and fascinating, and the photos are gorgeous. I learned so much I didn't know before, and now I really want to visit Forks. Everybody I show the book to wants to borrow it, but I don't want to loan it out."

När jag reste till Forks behövde jag inte en bok om Forks eftersom Dazzled By Twilight stannade på de olika ställerna. Men om man planerar att åka dit utan någon busstur så kan det vara väldigt bra att ha en till hands. Men i de olika butikerna i Forks fanns Dazzled By Twilight kartan som visade var alla stopp låg.

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